Where Rainbows End

Author: Cecelia Ahren

Genre: Romance

Taglines: Sometimes fate just can't stop meddling...

Summary: Alex and Rosie have been best friends forever. Then they are separated when Alex moves to America due to his fathers new job. Rosie plans to go there too but her plans fall apart due to certain things which even I will not be cruel enough to reveal and spoil it for you. This is a tale of how there ARE soul mates and destiny. They just have LOUSY timeing. {TOTALLY ANNOYING *grr*}

Review: This is SWEEET. I tell you SWEET. Made me display lovely waterworks every now and then. And the book is written in such a cool way too. It consists entirely of letters, emails chatlogs and cards and stuff. {and m not talking about the meg cabot way either. Its different *nods*} This is addictive stuff too. Very.

Spoilers here ^_^

And its soo cute how Alex, who has a doctors degree and everything spells "know" as no, AND Katie who is Rosie's daughter does the very same!

And m sooo glad Katie and Toby got together too! So adorable. And I absolutely positively ADORED the letters Alex wrote for Rosie. The love letters. Oh WHY DID whatshisname STEAL the letters. I shall MURDER HIM if he wasn't a fictional character anyway. HE TOTALLY POSTPONED their... their... umm romance thing. Damn him to an eternity of watching Kasuati and reading Mary-kate and Ashley books! *grrr*.

Well even whatshisname couldn't stand in the way of DESTINY! which took its own sweet time in comming but still -__-' it ended happy! ^_^

Anyway, I loved the book. Totally worth reading. I'll give it only 8 stars because I decided I will be VERY strict with the rateing. heh heh ^_^

Quotes: This is such a quotable book but i was too busy reading to jot down any quotes. Except for this one.
"Fairy tales are such evil little stories for young children. Every time I'm in a mess I expect a long-haired posh-speaking man to come trotting into my life (on a horse, of course, not literally trotting himself). Then I realize I don't want a man trotting into my life because men are the ones who put me in the bloody mess in the first place."
by Rosie Dunne in a letter to her mother.

Rating: 8/10

Inspiration: Wasted time, missed opportunities and Oh-why-oh-whyyy situations might be oh so sweet to read about but its not so nice to deal with in real life. So don't. Waste time I mean.
Keeping it a secret because you think 'it's for there own good' is not a good idea. Let the other person make the decision for him/herself.
No matter how much you think you know a person, you have no way of knowing what goes on in there heads.


Anonymous April 21, 2008 at 6:08 PM  

i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove this book:P

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