Bloody Monday


Miura Haruma as Takagi Fujimaru/Falcon
Kawashima Umika as Takagi Haruka
Sato Takeru as Kujo Otoya
Tokunaga Eri as Anzai Mako
Hisano Masahiro as Tachikawa Hide
Tanaka Tetsushi as Takagi Ryonosuke
Matsushige Yutaka as Kano Ikuma
Katase Nana as Hosho Sayuri
Ashina Sei as Minami Kaoru
Yoshizawa Hisashi as Kirishima Goro
Narimiya Hiroki as J (Kanzaki Jun)
Kichise Michiko as Orihara Maya

Genre: Action, Suspense, Terrorism, JDrama

Episodes: 11

Summary: People are discontent, society is restless and with the security, and consequently the confidence that anonymity provides, messages continue to surface on internet message boards and forums. 'Isn't this country the worst?', 'Some people are so annoying they deserve to die.' 'This rotten country should be destroyed.' And the horrible words whispered like a prayer, a ray of hope; 'Bloody Monday'.

In what is later known as the Christmas Massacre, what is suspected to be a virus weapon, completely kills off all the inhabitants in an entire Russian town, and there is evidence that terrorists are planning on using the same virus, Bloody X, in Tokyo.

Two years ago, the unrivaled hacker Falcon, exposed a terrorist plan and became known to the anti-terrorist organization, THIRD-i. 'Falcon' also happens to be Takagi Fujimaru, a high school student, whose father works at that organization. Takagi finds himself drawn into the THIRD-i's investigation be cause he has the talent and the ability that they need, and because the terrorists express an intrest in him.

When his father disappears, and becomes branded a traitor, only to be found at the terrorist's side later on, Takagi (and his friends and little sister) find themselves caught between the terrorists and THIRD-i, where they don't know whom they can trust.

Review: This was a nice refreshing change from the utterly brainless shoujo manga type drama that is Buzzer Beat (Which I LOOOVE and adore to bits, but really, there's no accounting for my taste. ^_~)

I rather liked this, and no, it was not only to ogle Miura Haruma and Sato Takeru (also known as Boy!Kame). Speaking of Miura Haruma and Sato Takeru, I know this is Japanese and well, implications are everything (hello, CLAMP), but I seriously wonder what the point of that girl from the newspaper club was. She could have been a possible love interest, yes, but with Sato Takeru and Miura Haruma making eyes at each other, with lotsa unresolved sexual tension questionable chemistry practically overflowing from the screen... yeah. Don't really think so. XD Or I just might be in my lets-ship-everyone-together-everywhichway-shiny-yaoi mindset. -__-'

But yes, drama-wise this was very cool. Pretty unpredictable, had me actually peering fearfully from behind my pillow (why, noo, this is NOT a horror movie. I just have issues; can't face things properly.) during the tenth episode.

Can't wait for the next season! It starts...hmm... I can't seem to find anything about Season 2 of Bloody Monday on DramaWiki, but I recall reading about it somewhere... ~_~ Ah well, I look forward to it~

Music: Over the rain ~Hikari no Hashi~ by flumpool

Rating: 7/10


Note: Melon Soda. I must admit I am curious as to what it tastes like. XD


Laora September 26, 2009 at 9:26 PM  

I can't wait till I get my eyes on Buzzer Beat 11!!

Aw, Lilac-san, let the boys be real friends for once? :P XDD Of course, I'd watched Bloody Monday when I had a less corrupted mind and don't remember anything of the sort, but I think, now...

I have that issue of not facing things properly, too. Bloody Monday was one hell to watch. I had to pause and run away and wait and calm down and come back and all.

It certainly hasn't ended yet! I can't wait for the rest.

And may I express my silent delight having you accepted the Amuse boys~

lilac wraith September 28, 2009 at 1:07 PM  

But that would be too easy! :P I had so much fun snickering over any possible implications. XD Same here, I didn't notice anything the first time I watched Gokusen 2 (GOKUSEN 2! OF THE AKAKAME FAME! *clearlyIfail*) But when I skimmed over it later I giggleflaileddied wondered whether I had been blind then. XD

Amuse? Is that their Agency? Well I'd hardly stand a chance against them in my superficial fangirling mode. The pretteh. *_*

Za September 30, 2009 at 5:33 PM  

Fably!!lovely new layout!! Love it ♥ Love the colour, and especially the captions in the header=D ♥

But..but.. where's the tag cloud?? I mean, the list tag system is okay... but I love tagclouds.. hehe

Great work with the layout ^^

Laora September 30, 2009 at 10:04 PM  

I love what the banner says~ Cool layout

Fabler October 1, 2009 at 12:04 PM  

Thanks! Glad you guys like it. I'll get the cloud up after I fix a more important problem. Am relieved you haven't noticed it yet!

Fabler October 1, 2009 at 2:18 PM  

Umm, sorry, I cant get the cloud to work properly...T__T

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