

Eita as Kaji Daiki
Ikuta Toma as Ishimatsu Ryosuke
Ishihara Satomi as Kuboaki Kanako
Endo Yuya as Kirihata Teppei
Sato Tomohito as Hanei Akira
Izumiya Shigeru as Kaburagi Makoto
Yada Akiko as Natsuigawa Reiko
Tokito Saburo as Sagawa Fumihiko

Genre: Medical, Mystery, JDrama

Episodes: 11

Summary: Only five students take part in the forensic science seminar. One of them, Kaji Daiki being strong-handed into it by the professor because he is 'suited' to it, although he originally applied for the Heart Sugary Seminar (apparently because it's popular).

The drama starts with him staring inquisitively at where his name is pasted over with another's on the notice board for the heart sugary seminar, asking why? and that's a question that is repeated throughout the drama, from things as silly as to why a certain person has to look at the sun to sneeze, to why a certain person died in a certain way.

All five of them have different personal reasons for joining, but for the course of the seminar, all five of them together explore a branch of medicine as doctors for the dead, and throughout cases, encounter things that make them realize the importance of such a thing, in finding the truth, in allowing the families to accept death and pass on, regardless of whether they decide to pursue the field in the future or not.

Review: I really really liked this. I decided to watch it a while back when I realized I haven't watched a single thing with Toma in it since HanaKimi (Oh wait, I forgot about Maou. But then again, I didn't watch it entirely upon finding out how it ended. Meh, must get around to it sometime..) ANYWAY, yes, I started watching this a while back for Toma. However,  I think the reason I was able to stick to watching it, was because of my recent medical drama kick (Uwaa~ Code Blue 2 is made of awesome, btw. Not only because of Pi-face the gorgeous either. *cough*), and this is one awesome medical drama. About medicine for the dead. I don't see how you can get any more awesome. Kanarazu.

Each case is interesting, and while I have no clue about the credibility of all they say, it sounds incredibly believable and awesome. That saying "Dead men tell no tales" is clearly a lie. Even the dead have voices, and it's the job of modern forensic scientists to listen to those voices. Their voices have the ability to clear innocent men of guilt, to unveil the truth, and to help those that are left behind, move on.

Now, the only bone to pick (lame joke is lame), is about how this Daiki is so damn presumptions in the drama. More so because he does it mainly by using his ~imagination~ outside of the laboratory. How a little clue left behind can make you assume so and so makes my inner cynic scoff like it's been swimming in dust clouds. But then again, I suppose it is, like the proffessor said, only because they are learning, they are supposed to experience things like that, and learn, and understand properly. When they do, later, they will be able to understand, even within the confines of the lab, without prancing off to the crime scene.

Okay, so regarding the non-medical aspects, I kinda adored the relationships between the characters. They were all so damn sweet, and adorable, making the drama incredibly fun. Daiki was such a pain in the ass with all his why? WHY? WWHAAAAAI?~ ing, but they were so indulgent (while calling him a pain in the ass, but that's a fact, so it doesn't count as being not indulgent), and Ryosuke's parts were made of awesome, I love Toma to bits, and his character is kinda awesome too, in the sense that he is purely human. (Which reminds me, I want to see Toma's Ningen Shikkaku so bad. T___T). Hannei-kun is the awesomest gangster-turned-med-student ever. Teppei is sweet, and Aki is hilarious. Combined, all their interactions were made of win. [I'm a sucker for these nakama things. ^^']

Verdict: Good Drama~

Music: Setsuna by GReeeeN

Rating: 8/10


~ Might show up in songstories in the possible future? ~

Note: I didn't like Ishihara Satomi much in Hanayome to Papa (which I watched purely for Junno <3) OH WAIT. I just realized it. That's why I loved the professor dude so much. HE WAS THE PAPA~ XDD Damn it, I can't believe it took me that long to realize that. *Ahem* But I am rethinking my opinion and thinking of adding her to the list of actresses I'm fangirling. [Currently Kitagawa Keiko, Kuroki Meisa and Toda Erika, I think.] After all, she was the one whom Chibi-basahaa-Ryo-face-in-a-white-suit-with-wings sang Love Me Tender to. *snickers* I really really want to get my hands on that drama. Teru Teru Kazoku it was called, I think?

Also, pleased with my not-counter-productive-to-school-work restraint. I took quite a while to watch this, as I put in a considerable effort to limit to around an episode a day, instead of watching it all in one go like I normally do.


Laora March 18, 2010 at 4:58 AM  

Wanna watch!!! I'm a sucker for nakama too.

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