Lie to me*

Cast :
Tim Roth as Dr. Cal Lightman
Kelli Williams as Dr. Gillian Foster
Brendan Hines as Eli Loker
Monica Raymund as Ria Torres
Hayley McFarland as Emily Lightman
Mekhi Phifer as Ben Reynolds

Genre : Crime, Liars, Psychology, Science, Sitcom

Episodes : Season 1: 13, Season 2:-

Summary : Facial expressions are universal. Happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, they all show on your face, your gestures, the things you say, how you say it. No matter how good a liar you are, there are things that give you away, and there are people who can catch every one of those things.

Review: O Hello thar things Actually in English. It’s been a while. However, this is made of pure awesome and so much win that I finished watching it in less than two days. I realize that this is fiction and highly improbable, but it’s definitely possible, which is why it’s so awesome. This also makes you highly cynical rethink a lot of things; think more on what you normally would have paid no attention to. Educational, almost, I would say.

The characters were interestingly developed, and strongly projected. Interesting. Lightman is weird and random and basically the walking definition of organized chaos. Although that might just as easily be how he wants it to be perceived as (for reasons known only to him), because he is just so good with lies: spotting and spouting them. He also has absolute loyalties, where he ‘doesn’t let the facts get in the way of the truth’ meaning he feels no obligation to go along with the system. All that makes him intriguingly volatile at times, but he’s still a gentleman.

The rest of the characters were also awesome, actually had depth, all of them. They also had awesome dynamics. I had a minor major shipping spree of glee. All in all, awesome. I cannot expand on all of the awesome because I’m lazy like that, but this is definitely worth checking out.

Rating : 9/10

Quotes :

Note : I need to hunt down the insert songs in this. They seem to be of the stark and pretty variety.


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