Northern Lights

(The Golden Compass)
His Dark Materials Trilogy, Book 1

Author: Philip Pullman

Genre: Fantasy

Summary: In Lyra Belacqua's world, all humans have there souls as daemons on the outside of there body. (Daemons can shift their shapes until settling into one when the person grows up) Lyra and her daemon Pan live in the Jordan College of Oxford with the scholars as she is an orphan and has only an uncle, the powerful Lord Asriel, whom she meets only occasionally when he returns from his expeditions. Although she is 'nobly born' she is like a 'little savage' and runs rampant on the streets, roofs and underground of Oxford, waging war with the gyptains and the rest of the kids.

Her curiosity leads her into finding out about Dust (elementary particles), She is drawn away from Jordan College because of this and although she is unaware of it, destiny holds that she shall play a part in a horrific deed, which has to be done so that everything can be saved. (cryptic, I know, but I don't know quite how else to put it ~_~)

Review: Philip Pullman is the greatest story teller. Ever. I read this book for the first time around two years back and I had forgotten its utter magnificence. (HOW COULD I???) This is the most amazing book ever written. (At the moment I am high on this book so that's what I totally and whole heartedly believe, but reason makes me want to state that there are quite a few other books which I think is the most amazing book ever written as well)

The book is exquisitely written, the story is amazingly crafted. Everything folds into place, in such a way that you know that it was there through out the story. And not there in the annoying hint hint in the beginning way that some stories go. There, in the sense that everything, EVERYTHING makes perfect sense and it just so wonderfully comes together. The characters are also completely and utterly lovable. Even when they are despicable, they are larger then life and magnificent and REAL.

The Plot is also amazing. All those people going on about the "Da Vinci Code" and what not and scoffing 'children's books', you have NO idea what your missing. Non at all. The plot, is so complex and makes so much sense, and at the same time is totally strange and infused with fantasy, and it is vivid and real, and plays havoc on your emotions. (in a good way ^_~)

I would also like to point out that the movie in no way does justice to the book. In the movie, the characters drop in like visiting spirits to give Lyra a bit of advice and a little bit of help or whatever, but in the book, they are people too, not just apparitions with guest appearances. -__-'

Oh yeah, Mrs. Coulter is a brunette. NOT a blond. AND Lord Asriel is colder and way more awesome and cruel. Iorek is waaay more magnificent too (Although the bear fight in the movie was pretty cool too.) Neither is Lee Scoresby so old. Let's just say that the book is MILES better then the movie.

Rating: 10/10


An insult to a bear is a deadly thing. To us... inconceivable. How could you insult a witch? Would it matter if you did?

{Serafina Pekkala}

Belacqua? No. You are Lyra Silvertongue. To fight him is all I want. Come, little daemon.

{Iorek Byrnison}

Bears! The terms of combat are these. If Iofar Raknoson kills me, then he will be king for ever, safe from challenge or dispute, If I kill Iofar Raknison, I shall be your king. My first order to you all will be to tear down that palace, that perfumed house of mockery and tinsel, and hurl the gold and marble in to the sea. Iron is bear-metal. Gold is not. Iofar Raknison has polluted Svalbard. I have come to cleanse it. Iofar Raknison, I challenge you.
{Iorek Byrnison}


We couldn't work together, you and I.

{Marisa Coulter}
No? You and I could take the universe to pieces and put it together again, Marisa! We could find the source of Dust and stifle it for ever! And you'd like to be part of that great work; don't lie to to me about it. Lie about everything else, lie about the Oblation Board, lie about your lovers - yes, I know about Boreal, and I care nothing - lie about the Church, lie about the child, even, but don't lie about what you truly want...

{Lord Asriel}


Note: Talk about a messed up family... ~_~ A father who is an atheist and wants to go challenge God, a mother who is an all powerful church figure, and the daughter who has to save the universe from the both of them. AND all of them are totally charismatic and magnificent-ish and powerful and grand!
And I love Iorek Byrnison. =^_^=


Arkturus April 20, 2008 at 10:00 PM  

awesome. i watched the movie. i want the book now. ^_^

also, don't mess with Daniel Craig!!! He is the kewlest Bond EVAR! :P

Anonymous April 20, 2008 at 10:54 PM  

nice setup uve got here
n ur right
the guys an awesome story teller

Fabler April 21, 2008 at 12:52 AM  

But he can never be Asriel! @arky

Arkturus April 21, 2008 at 11:00 PM  

ok then. maybe he can't. but pray tell who CAN? :P

lilac wraith April 22, 2008 at 1:34 PM  

Noone can. Unless Asriel himself walks out of the book. And ofcourse he wouldnt since reality isnt worthy of him *nods* ^_^

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