
Akanishi Jin as Kurosawa Akihiko
Shinohara Ryoko as Noda Naoko
Tomosaka Rie as Sawaki Eriko
Toda Naho as Kato Hiromi
Ichikawa Miwako as Hasegawa Manami
Yamaguchi Sayaka as Saotome Kana
Yamaguchi Makiya as Tachibana Wataru

Genre: Office, Romance, Being an adult is a pain, People are stupid, Jin is sparkly, Jdrama

Episodes: 10 + Special

Summary: There is a 32 year old OL or office lady who wants to get married because apparently that's the only way you can be happy, despite the drama having a gazillion situations of a) people being stupid and b) married people being terrifically unhappy AND stupid.

Anyway, said office lady also happens to run a free counselling/noseing around buisness and help all her juniors and bail them out of trouble so she is a big sister-type figure in the office so the new (and very very hot) worker who joins the company, Kurosawa Akihiko, calls her "Anego" as a nickname and it sticks. Also, the adorable sexy Kurosawa happens to like her despite her being over ten years older then he is [but he is too young and sexy to get married].

Review: Let's admit it. The only reason people actually watch this drama is for Jin. There cannot be any other reason to watch it for. This happens to be the stupidest, most annoying drama EVER. The only thing I liked in this drama was how their thoughts were written on the screen, and they had entire mind reading battle things, and I suspect even that was mainly because of the cute expressions Jin made while thinking XD.

More importantly, for most of this drama, we get to see Jin in a SUIT. *dies* And then, we also get to see Jin with bed hair and amazingly broad shoulders *is reincarnated only to die again*. I fail to see how anyone can look soo utterly adorable one second and so damn sexy the next. We also get to see him hopping around trying to get dressed. *dies again*

[clearly I'm having trouble with coherancy or rather, staying alive, so I shall not even try to write paragraphs upon paragraphs about how utterly gorgeous Jin is in this, although I am VERY tempted to, because he is utterly and completely adorakable and so damn HOT.]

I shall just end it by saying that Jin has gorgeous collarbones [I recently developed a collarbone fetish because of him], and the most awesome beaty spot ever beside his right eye [which I worship on sight *_*], and also his hands are to die for. He also has the most adorable smile, and him sleeping all curled up on the couch is just TOO adorable. *floats away to fangirl nirvana*

It was also most amusing when Anego tries to hide Jin under a blanket on the floor, and Jin actually goes along with it. ^_^ Ah. And they send Jin to MONGOLIA. That was beyond awesome. Specially when he goes running around in the middle of a desert looking for a power outlet XD. He does the same thing later in the special too but in snow instead, while clutching a laptop to his chest. XD

We Will Rock You by Queen [Insert song]
KISS or KISS by Kitade Nana [Ending theme]

Rating: 1/10 [and even that is for Jin's prettiness, nothing else. I know his prettiness deserves MUCH more then a one, but this drama was SO DAMN ANNOYING. The only reason I'm even reviewing it is because I want to fangirl Jin's beauty spot and collarbones... *oh ho ho ho*]

Kurosawa Akihiko: Let me have sometime to think...
Noda Naoko: Around how long?
Kurosawa Akihiko: Umm... around... five... years?
The idiot who goes around calling everyone idiots is the idiot who doesn't know how idiotic he is.
~Kurosawa Akihiko
~More Quotes?~
Note: SPARKLY jin *_*


Fabler December 20, 2008 at 1:11 PM  

ROFL! Funniest review ever! (though I wonder if this really is a review) I wanna see JIN!!! I wanna see his shoulders! And his COLLARBONE!

Laora December 22, 2008 at 4:26 PM  

Wow, one star. EXTREME.

After reading review: AHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Agrees with neechan; ROFL. Funniest review ever!! XD

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