Gokusen 2

Nakama Yukie as Yamaguchi Kumiko
Akanishi Jin as Yabuki Hayato
Kamenashi Kazuya as Odagiri Ryu
Hayami Mokomichi as Tsuchiya Hikaru
Koike Teppei as Takeda Keita
Koide Keisuke as Hyuuga Kosuke
Namase Katsuhisa as Sawatari Goro
Kaneko Ken as Asakura Tetsu
Uchiyama Shinji as Tatsukawa Minoru
Waki Tomohiro as Kuma

Genre: School Life, Teaching, Juvenile Delinquents, JDrama

Episodes: 10

Summary: Teacher with unconventional methods of teaching believes in students who happen to be juvenile delinquents and don't trust teachers. Teacher protects them and gains their trust and teach them stuff and get them to graduate. Oh, and the teacher happens to be the fourth generation of a mafia family and if they find out about her family she'll be fired. [Basically you refer to the plot of Gokusen, and then take in a different batch of high school delinquents with two pretty johnnys as ring leaders instead of one.]

Review: Jin is SPARKLY *_*

I COULD just have ended the review with that, coz basically, his sparkliness is worthy of carrying the weight of the entire review. He was DAZZLING. *goes around going 'mabushiii~' like Pi in the making of SUMMARY*

Ahem. I get distracted. Anyway.

As you can tell from the summary, Gokusen lacks a proper plot, or story, or utter AWESOMENESS, which the likes of Liar Game or Nobuta or even Hotaru no Hikari have. The plot is repetitive every episode, there is no REAL story line, and you don't particularly need to watch the episodes in order coz they are most of the time not even that much related to each other. Nothing much happens either, but come on, this is a freakin classic, for REASON. And no, I don't mean the pretties, although they really ARE pretty, and DO play a pretty huge role in me loving this. But it's funny, coz Yankumi is awesome in her own self-contradictory and slightly cringe-worthy yet still funny way.

Also, her suddenly falling in love upon sight with random people and then giving them names like Mr. Burbury is funny too. And the scenarios taking place in her head making her act all dorky And this season had the poor Baba sensei in love with her as well. eh heh.

[Although I will admit that the next time I hear that music and Yankumi going "Me? I'm their/his homeroom teacher" as she takes off her glasses and rubber bands, to beat up the villains/whatever, I fear I will be sick. Hearing it in every single episode for three seasons has that effect on you. -_-']

Now lets go back to talking about the pretties. I DID mention how sparkly Jin was did I not? Coz I cannot stress enough on this point. And he was not ONLY sparkly, but also SO DAMN ADORABLE (I cannot lay off the caps sorry, but it NEEDS to be upper-cased) I love how Jin does his own bunny-peace-sign thing, even in the Hayato character, and all the adorable ways he ended his sentences when he was speaking and stuff. I practically DIED in the episode where he helps out Kuma in his Ramen shop and wears his hair clipped up. I practically DIED again during the interviewing practice episode where they decided to interview Yankumi and Jin wears the OMGHOTT white shirt, with glasses and goes "Dozo~" gesturing with his hand. Jin is certainly hazardous for health, if only from the many times he makes you forget to breathe from his GORGEOUSNESS, and then the times you laugh so much that you hurt from his stupid bakanishiness, and the times he makes your heart break with his adorable songs like Care and Hesitate and Murasaki, or- Ermmm I think I'm going out of topic here, so I shall cut off the Jin fangirling as of now. Let's speak of the other pretties.

I didn't like Kame-chan's character that much here. I mean I do LOVE his Kenshin-ish hair, and he makes the very boring character that is Odagiri Ryu (I'm sorry, but I totally prefer baka-Hayato-ish types over the cool types like Ryu) kinda adorable and cute at times like when he picks on Yankumi or goes along with his friends stupid plans. Or points out flaws in their brilliant ideas bringing them down to earth. And he IS such a pretty girl gorgeous, even when or perhaps specially when he gets beaten up, with Hayato, which kinda happens in nearly every episode. [I also fear that I might be slightly sadistic, because them being SO DAMN GORGEOUS when they are beaten up had me actually looking forward to seeing them all beaten up -__-']

I also love how they have the whole Akame, eternal-rival-bestfriends thing here. I especially adored the scene where they tried to ridiculously out do each other in who recieved more chocolates for Valentines. (until Yankumi popped out of nowhere and interrupted) XD

Now, then there was Tsuchi, who was again, gorgeous. And he was tall! (poor Akame standing next to him *snickers fondly*) And he had this fan which he carried everywhere which was very cool. And who can forget the VERY adorable Teppei. ^_^ And also the guy who played Hyuuga. (since he has already imprinted himself into my brain in Nodame)

This is worth a watch if you can get it from a friend or something. I don't think its worth downloading to watch (although am being really hypocritical here coz I even burned it onto a dvd after I got it from yuae coz I wanted to ogle at Jin's prettiness whenever I want to, and often), and you probably wouldn't have the patience to stream it and watch it either, since it IS pretty repetitive. Although if you can summon patience for the sake of pretty Akame, and adorkableness, douzo~ ^_~

No More Cry by D-51 [Ending theme]
Kizuna by Kamenashi Kazuya [Insert song] (this is REALLY pretty. Words fail at HOW pretty. Although I think I love Takaki's song in the next season just as much too.)

Rating: 5/10 [For sparkly Jin and the funniness of it all. Kyun~]

As long as you have strength to protect those important to you, that's all you need.
~Yankumi to Hayato
Hayato: How many chocolates did you get last year?
Ryu: Donno... About 20
Hayato: Ahh.. I got around 22
Ryu: I see, I think that I got 30
Hayato: Oh I remember, I got 45
Ryu: Thinking about it mine was probably 67
Hayato: I had around 84
Yankumi: Eh, you guys are pretty popular, aren't you?
Or maybe, isn't your level a bit too low?
Hayato & Ryu: ... -___-'
Hayato: Why are you here?
More Quotes?

Note: Why is Jin so sparkly?

And I will admit I did get a little emotionally touched at the end of this. It was due to Jin and Teppei crying. Pfft. I can't belive I got emotional over Gokusen... -__-' (well I can considering I did, but I shall pretend I cannot believe it anyway coz I like to act that way.)

At this point, it should be pretty obvious that I ADORE Jin's character Hayato and his utter sparkliness, no? Well just in case there IS any doubt, I shall clear it up by stating that he is SPARKLY, and ADORKABLY LOVABLE. ^_^


Fabler December 1, 2008 at 6:25 PM  

Wow, you managed to write quite a lot even for something as plotless as this. But then again you ARE the renown babbling hime...

Jin certainly WAS sparkling wasn't he! Even sparklier than sparkling water! ...*ok ignore that phrase*

His -pais were kawai ne~ And Teppei and Tsuchi were very adorable too! (this review really is full of flailing and fangirling...-_-') But Kame was waay wallpaper-ish...

Them thanking everyone in the last episode was so emotional though. Made me teary *dabs eye with pink spotted hanky*

Laora December 2, 2008 at 11:04 AM  

Yay for fangirling!!

I couldn't take more than 2 episodes. Teppei was soooo cute though.

lilac wraith December 2, 2008 at 11:16 AM  

*sheepish* I really didn't realize that this review was that long until i posted it and then i realized tht well i couldnt be botherd to shorten it and its pretty much like the most of my blabber-y reviews anywya...

and I DID tell you it was full of fangirling nad flailing. Although how can you not fangirl when there is no plot but tons of pretties and more importantly, SPARKLY JIN *_*

Fabler December 2, 2008 at 1:58 PM  

Was hoping you were exaggerating... ¬_¬

Laora December 2, 2008 at 6:56 PM  

NEECHAN!!!! Aiiiishh.....

Za December 2, 2008 at 7:31 PM  

You are so brave to watch all 3 Gokusens!(although having sparkly, melt-worthy(and beautiful) bois DO help) I got enough after GTO..don't think I'm watchin gokusen..

Fabler December 6, 2008 at 2:30 PM  

Ah~ I miss gokusen now that there's no more gokusen to watch... T_T

Zai December 9, 2008 at 12:13 PM  

Akame DO have an annoying habit of looking attractive even when they're beaten to a pulp, yes. XP But side-stepping ze sparkly Jin for a moment...

Hyuuga was in Nodame?! As who? :O

Fabler December 9, 2008 at 7:44 PM  

As Masumi chan... ò.ó
Yes... that afro weirdo

lilac wraith January 15, 2009 at 9:42 AM  

the ADORABLE afro weirdo :P

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