Orthros no Inu


Takizawa Hideaki as Ryuzaki Shinji
Nishikido Ryo as Aoi Ryosuke
Mizukawa Asami as Hasebe Nagisa
Yaotome Hikaru as Kumakiri Masaru

Genre: Suspense, Detective, Action, Supernatural, JDrama

Episodes: 9

Summary: An Angel possessing the hands of the Devil. A Demon possessing the hands of God. Aoi Ryosuke is a teacher at a girls high school. Mild mannered and liked by all, he has the ability to kill a person, with just a touch. Ryuuzaki Shinji is a death row convict, in prison for 10 years, charged with the murder of three men. Enigmatic and seemingly cold-hearted, he has the ability to heal, with just a touch, whichever wounds or illnesses.

Detective Hasabe Nagisawa, while breaking up a juvenile drug set-up, encounters Aoi's powers. Aoi's involvement had stemmed from a student of his being targeted by Kumakiri Masaru, the leader, and this is the first time he had used his power, killing Kumakiri's right hand man, and incurring his resentment as well. Over-ridden by guilt and due to strong, straight-forward morals, he turns himself over to the police, asking them to arrest him for murder. The lack of evidence and the ridiculousness of the situation makes it seem incredulous and consequently impossible for the police to put any charges against him and he is forced to leave. Hasabe, who saw his power with her own eyes, however, cannot let it go and her investigation leads to another man, rumored to possess the hands of the Devil (or the hands of God). Unwittingly she brings them both together and this results in Ryuuzaki using Aoi, manipulating him with false promises playing into his sense of justice, to kill the warden, allowing him to escape.

At large, truly seeming to possess god like powers, he pays the detective and Aoi frequent visits, and it is not clear what his motives are or exactly what he wants. The web gets more intricate and them more entangled, as more people, including those who wants to control their powers for their own selfish purposes, are drawn into it. Aoi is forced to choose a course of action regarding his own abilities; how he will use them in order not to be used by others. Ryuuzaki, while seemingly the primary instigator, or the main catalyst for the entire situation, seems to be much in the same boat. Just what are his true motives, and what is the relationship between the ex-convict and the teacher?

Review: This drama draws you in from the start. Aoi Ryouske walks alone in the rain to a police station, asking them to arrest him for murder, while Ryuuzaki Shinji watches the streets below from a rooftop, looking down on humanity. [This of course, has nothing to do with how good the two of them looks soaked in the rain. XD Although admittedly, it is very kachoii and hot. And I've noticed that Ryo walks Ore-Cho-Kamenashi, even when he is supposed to be dejected and miserable. <3] The plot, like Takki kept repeating in all the promos, is fast paced. There are a lot of things happening, and none of them irrelevant or insignificant. This I liked because they didn't actually ruin a Good Thing, by dragging it on and on and on, to milk it for all its worth even when the cow is dead. *coughcoughgokusencough* It had me hooked from the begging to the end and while the pretty was REALLY pretty, [Takizawa and Nishikido both contribute to my kalhuthila fetish], it wasn't only that.

I liked the story and how it was presented. Although the concept of good and evil and right and wrong is age old and has been done billions of times before, this is a thought provoker, and insinuates a lot of things throughout the episodes, mainly in what Ryuuzaiki says to Aoi, and that makes you truly think. About good and evil and life and death and destruction and salvation. What it really means. While it seems as different as heaven and hell at first impression, are heaven and hell all that different to begin with? This shakes your beliefs of right and wrong as black and white is shattered and settles down slowly into grey, grey dust.

One of the most significant scenes for me in the drama was when, after Ryuuzaki demonstrated his powers on national television, and the hospital was threatened to be blown up unless he healed every single patient in the building, Ryuuzaki, showing up with just an hour left, tells them to choose the order they will be healed because he cannot heal them all, and they can decide who will be left to die. He passes on the responsibility so that they effectively have to decide their own worth, make impossible choices adn sacrifices that human nature just doesn't allow. When Aoi confronts him about this, Ryuuzaki tells him to pay close attention. Contrary to what Ryosuke might think, this is not only Ryuuzaki's forte. Both of them are equally significant here.

Later on, when Aoi asks Ryuuzaki whether he would have healed them had they been able to decide on an order, Ryuuzaki replies with a simple question. Could Aoi kill them, then, had they decided on an order, in reverse?

It made an incredibly impact on me. Like Ryuuzaki states later, maybe it's Aoi, who can kill with his touch, who truly possesses the Hands of God.

Okay, I've been [reasonably] serious enough, let’s talk of the eye-candy. I've come to the conclusion, that Takkizawa Hideaki, is God’s Gift to Women. Forget his powers in the drama, his hands are just gorgeous. [Now would be a good time, I suppose to remind you, that I have a major thing for hands, and dammit, his hands are hot.] So are Ryo-face's for that matter. In the opening credits, there is this bit where both of them, their arms only visible on the screen, reach for each apther, until they finally clasp each others hands, and I swear, I melted into a gooey boneless puddle, every single time I saw it, in all nine episodes (not counting rewinding it and watching it again and again. And again)

Also, like Sai-chan aptly put it, just what is it with Ryo playing roles where you just want to ship him with his siblings?
There is a whole lot of collar grabbing and my poor demented yaoi obsessed mind is going snickersnickerohwaitohmythatishot *_*. That scene where Aoi moves from Ryuuzaki's collar to his neck, I nearly exploded with glee/imagination overload. *sigh* I suppose I cannot help being demented, and in my defense, JE has eaten my brain and I didn't have much of it sane to begin with, anyway.

Hmmm... I seem to have forgotten to blab about the supporting characters like I normally do. Truth to be told, they too were very well developed and all that. The only reason I forgot to blab about them is because, basically, Takizawa Hideaki steals the show. The man has charisma and can act, and looks utterly gorgeous to top it off. Hence, all my blabbing being about him. AND! There is Ryo-chan. There is Ryo-chan. I was recently miffed over why Ryo gets no leading roles, but damn, his supporting roles are GOOD. Three of my all time favorite dramas (RnK, 1 Liter, and now this) have him in it and he is wonderful. At the risk of sounding extremely sappy and corny (not to mention possibly patronizing) he makes me proud. As a person, I am proud of him for being so hardworking and dedicated and using his talents properly (because he IS talented.)

Oh yes, I get side tracked. Supporting characters. They might have been a bit one dimensional, but I think they proved to serve their purposes perfectly. The characters were strong, solid presences, and helped to shape the story into one very awesome drama.

Of course, there were some areas which could have used more work, things which could have developed further or weren't really properly explained. But in terms of entertainment it is pure win and awesome and definitely worth watching! Now. No, really, I mean it. Now.

Music: Hikari Hitotsu by Takizawa Hideaki [And the man can sing too. ♥_♥]

Rating: 10/10

Tell me. How can you people, so easily, betray those dearest to you?
~Ryuuzaki Shinji

Note: I over thunk a lot of things in this, and this review ended up being really long, with me blabbing for miles at end, without being able to talk of half the things I thunk over. One of them, is how Ryuuzaki, would be emotionally younger than Aoi Ryosuke. Although Ryosuke is three years younger than Ryuuzaki, Ryuuzaki spent ten years in jail, secluded from people, which is possibly why he understands more. Like children, who seem to find it so simple to be selfless and forgiving. Maybe, growing up, we forget a lot of important things.


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