Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge

Drama Review Here

Wallflower/Perfect Girl Evolution
Mangaka: Hayakawa Tomoko

Genre: Comedy, Horror, Semi-Romance, Anime, Manga

Episodes: 25 (Anime)
Serialization: Ongoing (Manga)

Summary: Four (VERY pretty) high school boys accept the task of turning their landlady's niece into a proper 'Lady' for the sake of free rent. They figure it can't be that hard, until they meet the niece in question.

Nakahara Sunako, is a deliciously creepy heroine, who has well and truly gone over to the dark side. Apparently she was normal enough, until she confessed to her crush in middle school, only to be rejected with the words 'I don't like ugly girls'. As a consequence, she has thrown away the need to be a woman, and instead, spends time with her beloved anatomical models and skeletons and horror movies.

The boys in charge of turning her into a lady are Takano Kyouhei [Kyouhei; a hot headed gorgeous gorgeous Creature of the Light], Mori Ranmaru [Ranmaru; a self-declared lady killer], Oda Takenaga [Takenaga; a smart, silent traditional-type prince] and  Yukinojoh Tohyama [Yuki; adorable enough to be mistaken for a girl countless times]. Incredibly popular even on their own, together, they are able to draw incredible crowds of girls and attract various other circumstances (which gradually become even more outrageous and amusing as Sunako contributes to it).

However, can even they, the dazzling creatures, turn Sunako into a lady? Or will they end up having to pay double the rent as per agreement?

Review: For those of you out there looking for an unconventional shojo anime (or manga), you've hit the jackpot. (Ahahaha. That reminds me of the manager dude in You're Beautiful! *ahem*) Granted, it's shojo, but it's fun shojo, without all the unnecessary drama and possible angst. At the same time, it's not (entirely) shallow either, and it's just (more than) a little bit shameless. Which in my book is a huge plus. XD

There are cracks made at various things, battles of epic proportions over the simplest of matters, and the most unusual heroine ever. She remains chibi for the most part of the anime, and is blood thirsty and utterly in love with horror movies and gory things, and spends a great amount of time plotting ways to kill the Dazzling Creature Kyohei, because he is too bright and causes her spurts of nose-bleeding if she looks at him (or any other shinnies, but he is the worst) too much. She can also hold her own in fights, is an awesome cook, and loves house-wife-ey tasks, and her best friend is an anatomical model who doesn't have his innards.

All the characters are awesome and adorable, and fun. All four boys, in addition to being awesome eye-candy (the anime understands the concept of fan-servicing very well) are genuinely well developed characters, with their own interesting personalities. They are in no way, 'perfect' no matter how dazzling they are, and are endearing (and ridiculously hilarious) most of the time.

Another noticeable fact about this, is that this is in no-way the reverse harem situation that a lot of mangakas seem to favor. All the guys do NOT fall in love with Sunako eventually. Both Takenaga and Ranmaru have their own love interests. I applaud this a whole lot. Takenaga's girlfriend Noi-chan is another dazzling creature, but she is adorkable and adores Sunako to bits, even if Sunako finds her too dazzling at times. Which helps in letting Sunako care for people other than her anatomical models and skeletons and grow as a character too. Ranmaru's Ojou-sama is also much win, and becomes Sunako's second female friend. Ojou-sama's butler is made of awesome too. XD

Basically, this anime is sparkly and shinny and made of awesome, consists of shameless fan servicing, cross dressing and implications to all sorts of things which makes my not so inner delusional lunatic go *fhu fhu fhuuuu~*. Watch it. ^___^

slow by Kiyoharu [Opening theme]
Carnation by Kiyoharu [First ending theme]
∞Changing∞ by BON-BON BLANCO [Second ending theme]

Rating: 10/10

If you don't look into mirrors you cant see your face.
If you don't see your face you wont need to compare it with others.
It is a happy life indeed~
~Nakahara Sunako

Note: I adored the manga to bits when I read it, quite a while ago, and I've been planning on watching this for quite a while. However, being the procrastinator I am, I didn't actually get around to it until it was announced they were making a live action of this, and Kame, Tego and Uchi were going to be in it. Naturally that served as incentive for me to download it and watch it as soon as possible. Now I regret all the time I spent not watching it, coz this, is made of awesome. Can't wait for the live action~ ^____^


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