The Unicorn Sonata

Author: Peter S.Beagle

Genre: Fantasy, Belonging, Novel

Summary: Joey, out of place even among her own family except for her beloved Abuelita, spends most of her time after school at Papa's Music, a dusty old shop that sells musical instruments.

One of the days she is alone minding the store, Indigo, a boy with gorgeous blue eyes and features too beautiful to be human, turns up and offers to sell a horn which sounds like nothing of this world for gold from the Greek owner. From then on, she keeps hearing that music calling to her, a music she can never name.

One night soon after, unable to sleep, she follows the music and ends up crossing into Shei'rah, a land of countless mystical creatures and wonders, and the music is home.

Review: This is such a beautiful story, magical and full of wonder. It makes you feel that magic is everywhere, and can be found by anyone, should you open your heart to it.

Shei'rah is breath-takingly beautiful. The friendships Joey forms there, the unicorns with their wisdom and playfulness, the innocent childishness of the brook-jalla; they are all so amazing, and it is sad, because you know that the book is only letting you catch a glimpse of something which is si much more.

However, this shows the beauty present in the things that we take for granted too, that Indigo understands all too well and yearns for. Choice. Deciding who you are and doing things you want because you want to, not because of what you are. They are also truly wonderful things, even if we forget sometimes.

I loved all the characters. They were all stately selves, beings. They feel real, and I feel the sort of appreciation for them, and this book, that you have for something you love which breaks your heart, although it doesn't mean to.

Rating: 10/10


Note: NEIRO by KAT-TUN goes with the book so perfectly it hurts.


Laora March 18, 2010 at 4:54 AM  

That sounds beautiful. I'm gonna ask you whether you have the e-book.

lilac wraith March 31, 2010 at 8:21 AM  

Don't, sadly. Borrowed it from the school library.

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