Gokusen The Movie

Nakama Yukie as Yamaguchi Kumiko
Namase Katsuhisa as Sawatari Goro
Kamenashi Kazuya as Odagiri Ryu
Takaki Yuya as Ogata Yamato
Miura Haruma as Kazama Ren
Ishiguro Hideo as Honjo Kengo
Nakama Junta as Ichimura Rikiya
Kiriyama Akito as Kuraki Satoru
Miura Shohei as Kamiya Shunsuke
Waki Tomohiro as Kumai Teruo
Hayami Mokomichi as Tsuchiya Hikaru
Koike Teppei as Takeda Keita
Koide Keisuke as Hyuuga Kosuke
Oguri Shun as Uchiyama Haruhiko
Ishigaki Yuma as Minami Yoichi
Narimiya Hiroki as Noda Takeshi
Tamamori Yuta as Takasugi Reita

Genre: School Life, Teaching, Juvenile Delinquents, JMovie

Summary: The Gokusen story continues. Yankumi is still teaching at Akadou, although the last batch we saw her with has graduated, and she is in charge of a new class, led by Takasugi Reita. While she is still working on getting the class to warm up to her, she is also supposed to take along the new student teacher and show him the ropes.

To Yankumi's surprise, (and to the fulfillment of her passionate dream which has her even more passionate than usual) the student teacher turns out to be Odagiri Ryu (the pretteh), one of Yankumi's students from Kurogin (back in Season 2).

Yankumi keeps on believing in her students, as always, and they seem to be gradually accepting her, and all seems to be going well. However, one of Yankumi's students from the past year, Kazama Ren, suddenly gets caught up in a drug operation, led by someone who could possibly be Yankumi's biggest opponent yet. Through it all, she remains the same Yankumi that they all love and believe in, and teaches what is most important, once again.

Review: Ahhh, Gokusen, the things you do to me. This is quite possibly the most plot-less, pointless thing ever, and I still love it. I loved the movie to bits too, despite the utter ridiculousness of the timing/situations. After all, like I have stated on previous occasions, you don't watch Gokusen for the plot.

No, it's not for the pretty either, although admittedly, the pretties are very pre-teh. Tama-chan is so ridiculously cute. He was also, surprisingly, quite convincing as a delinquent, at first, but then he ran and I know I used to call Kame all skin and bones before, but seriously, Tamamori, boy needs to eat. Though he is still ridiculously pretty. Also, Takaki still runs like girl. XD Miura Haruma was as pretty as always. It was such a squealy flaily affair to see so many of them looking so ridiculously pretty one after the other.

Ryu gets his own paragraph of me harping on his prettiness because I say so. Damn it, Kamenashi is amazing. While I was waiting for the movie, I watched bits and pieces of season 2 because HayaRyuu are so bloody damn pretty and therefore so much win, and flailed a whole lot and was a general embarrassment to myself. I don't even care about either, because it was all worth it, and kwaaaa~ words fail. Anyway, the point is, Kame, in the movie, was so deliciously Ryu. Now, I do realize this is more foolishness on my behalf, because obviously, he is playing the role Odagiri Ryu, who else would he be, BUT! I didn't think of it, okay? Imagine my utter flail-squeal-melt-dying, when there is suddenly Ryu, Odagiri Ryu on the screen, all grown up, but very much himself. I remember hearing about Kame talking in concerts about Odagiri being this sorta character, where he has incredibly little reactions to things, and its so true. Ryu is indeed a rock. However, unlike the stupid diamond in twilight, he is the very epitome of a rock. The Epic Rock Who Pawns All. <3

It's so brilliant, though. The movie is so movie-like. (Yet another wonderful observation by yours truly.) It's more exaggerated than the drama series(es), Yankumi is freaking awesome, breaking walls and kicking cans through buildings and using Yakuza-ish words and delivering randomly passionate speeches without any regard to her surroundings. All the past pupils showing up had me flailing like mad and tearing up like anything because it's... it's touching, mkay? T__T When Oguri Shun's character Uchi showed up and patted Yankumi's shoulder and then poked her cheek with his finger like she used to do to them way back, I flailed a whole lot (although I was thinking all the while it should be Shin doing that, damn it, whaaaaai. T__T)  The entire movie makes you swim in cheese and I will eternally begrudge this for not even mentioning Hayato and Shin. I was just WAITING for them to make some reference to Hayato in someway, although I knew they wouldn't, and they didn't. *pouts* Though I'll be lying if I said I didn't flail around a whole lot enjoy watching this.

*cough* So I got side tracked for three paragraphs. Like I was saying, you don't watch Gokusen for plot. You watch Gokusen, because it's Gokusen. That's enough.

Music: Plumeria ~Hana Uta ~ by Aqua Timez

Rating: 6/10 [Although purely in terms of enjoyment, the rating could be higher, I will be petty for them not even mentioning Hayato. >3>]


Note: I am plotting a behind-the-scenes/minor sequel to this. Titled HayaShin's Revenge. Where Hayato and Shin show up, complain about them being completely erased from existence in the movie, and steal their respective leading ladies (Obviously, Yankumi for Shin and Ryuu for Hayato) and run off into the sunset. That, and all is said and done. ^___^

[Ah, I just realized I didn't watch the Season 3 special. ~_~]

AND, call me slow, but it was only after publishing, and seeing the date that I realized I watched this on Kame's birthday. Fitting, don't you think? ^_~


Laora March 18, 2010 at 4:53 AM  

I'm gonna watch itttttt one day!!! (Maaaan, I wish I'd get to see BANDAGE onscreen. This, too. Heyyyy this was in S'pore, I gotta search the cinemas..........)

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