The Graveyard Book

Author: Neil Gaiman

Genre: Fantasy, Ghosts, Novel

Summary: Nobody Owens was raised in a graveyard since he was two, when his living family was killed. His adoptive parents are ghosts, and his guardian is undead. The graveyard is his home, his sanctuary, because the man named Jack is still looking for him - to finish what he started and kill him too.

Review: Why is Neil Gaiman so amazing. This is the first book of his I've read all year and it's just. Really. I don't even know. Let's just say he gives DWJ plenty of competition as my favorite author everwhichwhen.

What I found so amazing about this book was the detail. The little things. Things that Gaiman doesn't tell you out right, no that would be too easy, but leaves in plain site for the reader to 'discover' and flail wonder over. Even then, you end up missing bits and pieces in your hurry to find out what happens next because the narrative is just that engaging - I adored how the story was presented in terms of fragmented 'slices' of Bod growing up - and you just know there is a greater plot waiting to unveil itself.

Honestly, I loved how the story folded out. Since it's Bod's story we get his parts in detail, but there were more things going on, in the story, that we were just offered mere glimpses of, with Silas and Miss Lupescu. For me it made the whole thing more fleshed out, and real. The way Gaiman merges fiction with reality, so that it meshes so well together, is amazing too.

Granted, the plot might follow a rather generic formula, but I've always been of the opinion that all the stories have been told, many times over, and what really matters is how they are told. The idea of a child being raised by ghosts, is charmingly presented. I grew to adore all the characters, and empathize with them, and the story had the power to draw me in completely and it was emotionally touching. Gaiman has such a wonderful way with words. *_*

Rating: 9/10


Note: So I view the world through shippery-tinted glasses.


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