Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

Author: Patrick Süskind

Genre: Historical, Alienation, Murder, Novel

Summary: Grenouille is born in a city overwhelming with stench, with no odor of his own – an unremarkable young man with a remarkable nose. He depends on that sense alone, and it, to him, represents the world. His sense of right and wrong is blinded by his involvement in the sense of smell, and he decides he needs to create the most remarkable scent ever; that he knows will make everyone worship him.

Review: The premise was intriguing and the book cover wins majorly. I suppose I even liked the story, in general, but I found the narrative becoming too dry in parts. Didn’t like the pacing much, especially in the middle, even if it did get better towards the end. Still, it was a bit too (purposelessly) erratic for my tastes.

An interesting enough read if you have the time, but not the sort of book I’d order you to go read right now.

Rating: 6/10


Note: I suppose I might have been a bit unfair on this book, as I normally adore books - generally all books - for their writing styles and the charm of this might have been lost in translation? I also just might have not been in the mood to appreciate it at the time. *shrug*


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