The Princess Bride

Author: William Goldman

Genre: Comedy, Adventure, Romance, Fairy tale

Summary: In a land called Florin (which doesn't exist) there's this perfectly beautiful girl called Buttercup. She lives in a diary farm with her parents who are perfectly not beautiful. And there's the farm boy, Westley who lives in a hovel out near the animals.

Buttercup just loves to order him about, making him do ridiculous chores. And Westley's only response would be "As you wish." which obviously shows how affectionate he is of Buttercup (don't ask me why, this is a fairy tale so its 'cause she's beautiful methinks)

So anyway one day she quite suddenly realizes that she loves Westley to the extent of infinity. Well, more precisely she goes on about how twenty five minutes ago her love was nothing compared to how she felt now and how her love has increased just the previous second. (Or something like that. Its pretty stupid and cute). And then then the adventure begins... (alright, so it was a bit later but this summary is getting kinda long)

Review: Ok so here's a book written by William Goldman, he actually made up this fictional dude Simon Morgenstern, who he said was a Florin writer (I hate to admit this but only until three minutes ago, I was completely convinced that there really was a S.Morgenstern and that the book was an abridged version of his work... I wikied it and boy was a fooled. And there's no land called Florin it seems and no Guilder either; they're just coins. God I was duped! But in my defense, Mr.Goldman was damn convincing in his writing!) And you might have noticed that the cover here says something about the sequel Buttercup's Baby. I think its as fictional as S.Morgenstern.

First of all I loved the commentary given by Mr.Goldman throughout the story. It really gave off the feeling of it being an abridged version of S.Morgenstern. There were all these reasons for cutting up some pages of a chapter because it had Princess Noreena changing hats for too often a times for too many a pages or because there were some umpity upmp pages which only had Princess lessons in it and etcetera etcetera. (Can you blame me for getting tricked?)

And there were the characters! Everyone in this brilliant book had a unique personality and atmosphere about them. They were all so vibrant and alive! I dunno who I love the most: Westley 'cause of his wry humor and manliness and determination or Fezzik 'cause of his cuteness and giganticness and love for rhymes or Inigo for his admirable feelings for his Dad and his skills and revenge-obsessiveness or Buttercup for her stupidness.

I loved the Buttercup and Westley scenes. They were just too cute! All the melodramatic lines and stuff♥ Waah~ You can't actually call this deep but it was entertaining and I'll probably remember most of the mushy dialogues and the witty comebacks in this book for a long time to come. I kinda felt like I was watching a movie while I was reading this (note that I haven't yet watched the movie version).

Aside from the fluff, there is 'High Adventure', everything that is related with adventure is here I would say. Giants, Spanish fencers, MIB, pirates, poison, life sucking machines, kidnapping, evil princes, evil plots of evil princes, evil henchmen of evil princes, a miracle dude, sharks, spitting snakes, flesh eating eagles, Insane Cliffs (ha), fire swamps, R.O.U.S (Rodents Of Unusual Size), Snow Sand, Zoo of Death- *pants* (ok I think that's enough, you get the idea.) Definitely very exciting. How could it not be?!

Even though its a fairy tale and even if you know its gotta have a happy ending, I was in danger of bursting into tears 'cause I got a bit uncertain at some parts. And by then I was dangerously attached to the characters. (Um, I haven't finished the book yet, so I dunno if its really a happy-happy ending or not. But I was extremely excited about the book and wanted to write down all the awesome highlights before my excitement wore off. If it did, I would not be ranting on and on like how I am doing so now at the moment.)


People don't remember me. Really. It's not a paranoid thing; I just have this habit of slipping through memories. It doesn't bother me all that much, except I guess that's a lie; it does. For some reason, I test very high on forgettability.

*Buttercup with a knife pointing at her chest*

Westley: There are always too few perfect breasts in this world; leave yours alone.

More Quotes

Rating: 9/10 (not gonna get a ten 'cause you tricked me you naughty you! Ok so actually it's 'cause Buttercup didn't try to help herself. She shouldn't have always waited for people to rescue her. Other than that, fantastico~!)

Note: *looks at the impressive length of review and feels quite smug with self* Yay, for good adventure books!


Laora November 30, 2008 at 7:40 PM  

Good thinking, writing this all down while reading the book.

I really want to read it now........

lilac wraith November 30, 2008 at 10:37 PM  

You havnt finished reading the book yet wrote the review? I'm impressed :P

This is one book i've wanted to read for SO long, i've read quotes and reviews and summaries and sneek previews of it but i just CANNOT bring myself to read teh ebook, coz well its an ebook, and a book this great NEEDS to be read in REAL TANGIBLE book form. (excuse the slightly insane obsessiveness here) Good that you read it though. I have the movie so I'll give it to you after you finish the book? (and fably m impressed. You wrote two reviews, with minimal nagging within the space of a week? sugoiii :P)

Fabler December 1, 2008 at 10:41 AM  

Urusei... And guess what, I read a 3D book (got it from the Library)so I could really enjoy reading it, and smelling it. XD

Laora December 1, 2008 at 2:55 PM  

And smelling it


Actually I was thinking it'd be nice to have a proper Twilight copy *hint* the REAL white parts of the book/Edward */hint*

I'm gonna experiment this time. For once, I'll watch a movie without reading the book. Hmmmmmmm now if I only knew how to watch this online.....

Oh, I didn't mention I love the review! <3 Good work neechan.

Fabler December 1, 2008 at 4:57 PM  

What's with the hints? I don't get it... Do you want a Twilight book for birthday? But the bookshops here doesn't have any... Kane naishi T_T

Arigatou! I tried my best~

Fabler December 1, 2008 at 5:00 PM  

Oh and I saw the princess bride movie parts uploaded on

Laora December 1, 2008 at 9:49 PM  

I meant I could properly read the white parts of the book aka daydream about Edward on real paper, instead of the pdf file.

And naw, I don't want Twilight for my birthday. I want Howl. Oh, sure... is it worth it? *Goes to google*

Fabler December 1, 2008 at 10:06 PM  

Ooh. Well I dunno if its worth it, I haven't watched it yet. I WAS gonna watch it but the site was just soo slow with the buffering that I quit.

Laora December 1, 2008 at 10:54 PM  

It's on youtube.Made in 1987...kekekeke well, they did their best, probably. I have to say something abt the guy's voice; it's nice.

But when they rolled down the hill...

I've stopped watching it though. Can't take it all.

Za December 2, 2008 at 5:17 PM  


*goes back to read the rest of the post*

Za December 2, 2008 at 5:41 PM  

they rolled down the hill?? And why buttercup?

Good review,Fably. You'll give me the book,ne?ne? And won't you write a review on 'the secret countess' too?

Fabler December 4, 2008 at 10:46 AM  

You liked it?! I didn't think you would... Ok, I think I will if you give me the book again!

lilac wraith December 5, 2008 at 5:25 PM  

afa chan. i DID tell you i had the movie right? of this i mean. Princess Bride.

Fabler December 6, 2008 at 2:02 PM  

You DO?! Awesome! Some say that the movie version was plenty good too, I want it!

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